High Extreme Engineering

How Bridges are Built over Deep Water?

World Records For Construction Speed! China, USA, Russia

3 Companies Developing Game Changing Technologies

Mega Engineering Series 2of6 Bering Strait Tunnel 

Modeling the Schedule on the U.S. Bank Stadium Construction

Mortenson construction applied tools of virtual design and construction, including 3D, 4D, and VR, to keep this stadium project in Minneapolis ahead of schedule and under budget. It says planning the flow and sequence of work could not have been done without the use and implementation of 3D modeling and 4D scheduling technology.

The Longest Underwater Tunnel | China’s Future MEGAPROJECTS: Part 5

China’s New Mega Bridges SHOCKED American Scientists

Golden Gate Bridge | The CRAZY Engineering behind it

The dark secret behind the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge/Why are China’s mega-projects losing money?

China Leaves American President Shocked, Builds The Longest Undersea Tunnel In The World


Here’s The Bridge That Gives Drivers Panic Attacks When They Go Over It

Engineering Connections: Burj Al Arab Hotel (Richard Hammond) | Science Documentary


Burj Khalifa | The Secrets of its incredibly Strong Foundation

Building a tunnel under a highway in one weekend in the Netherlands

Your Apps Know Where You Were Last Night, and They’re Not Keeping It Secret

MAZING, Monster Vehicle Pulls 500 Meters of Rail on INDONESIAN High Speed ​​Train Line Construction